Welcome to EZ-NET Version 6


EZNET (version 6x) Secured Web Portal is now supported by the following browsers:

ü  Internet Explorer 8.0, 9.0, 10 and 11 full and compatibility mode

ü  Mozilla Firefox

ü  Safari

ü  Chrome

 To experience optimal functionality:

ü  Allow pop-ups for this website

ü  Use default "Blue" theme only

Upcoming News and Enhancements!

Claim denial and adjustment reasons are now visible in the web portal. This is the same information our Customer Service Representatives have access to.

Locate your claim, scroll down within the claim and then scroll to the right until you
see the adjustment and remit codes.  Click on the hyperlinks listed for the adjustment/remit codes to get detailed information.

If you don't have access to the portal, which is available 24/7 with no queue wait time, please ask you Customer Service Representative how you can get access. It's easy!


Resource URL Links
- Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS):  http://www.cms.gov/
- CAQH CORE: http://www.caqh.org/

PowerPoint Lessons

- Lesson 1:  Member/Eligibility Search
- Lesson 2: Claims Inquiry Search
- Lesson 3: Single Claims Submissions
- Lesson 4: Direct Batch Submissions

EZ-NET v6.8.0